Frequently Asked Questions
Does Freedom Bound International act as Fiduciary Owner for PTOs?
If I place a business or other revenue-generating asset into a PTO, am liable for income tax?
Earnings that come into the trust belong to the trust, which has no IRS reporting requirements or inherent tax liabilities.
Further, any payments made to you by the trust, whether salary or distribution, are private in nature and therefore, unless you choose to report your private earnings to the IRS, you are generally not liable for income tax on those amounts. However, do your own research in order to determine if you are liable for any tax.
If I place real property into a PTO , does property tax still have to be paid on it?
If you wish to opt out of property taxes, first be advised that you should not attempt to do so unless you are prepared to fight that particular battle. Opting out of property taxes will someday likely result in a confrontation with government, which will not let go of control of property easily.
For more information on opting out of property taxes, call 888-385-3733 to set up a consultation.
If I have a judgment or lien against me, can property previously placed in a PTO be seized?
If I place my property in a PTO, do I still have complete control over it?
When you put property into a PTO, you divest yourself of legal control of the property. However, in a properly designed PTO you retain practical control, which is what most people want in the first place.
The question of who has legal control over the property determines whether or not the trust will actually be successful in protecting the property from regulations, taxation, control, etc.
You can ensure that your wishes concerning trust property are respected by working with your Protector, whose job is to protect your interest in the trust.
If I place my property in a Pure Trust Organization, do I still own it?
No. The reason a Pure Trust protects property for you is because you give up ownership of the property, along with its inherent liabilities. However, you retain the beneficial interest in the trust.
This also means that nobody can make a claim against the property held in trust to satisfy an alleged grievance against you.
Is the purpose of a Pure Trust Organization to avoid taxation?
Actually, the primary reasons most people set up a PTO are privacy, liability protection, and freedom from probate and inheritance taxes.
However, PTOs do not have any inherent tax liabilities. A PTO will sustain a tax, however, if it engages in a taxable activity.
Have the courts ever upheld a Freedom Bound International Pure Trust Organization as valid?
Our trusts have sustained both IRS challenges and court proceedings. In each and every case, our trusts have been left alone.
In the case of the court rulings, they involved spouses of clients who were divorcing their husbands, and who wanted to pierce the trust veil of protection. In each case, the courts refused to pierce the trust veil, thereby upholding the status quo.
Under what law does a Pure Trust Organization operate?
Additionally, the U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 10, prohibits government from obstructing the obligation of contract. In other words, private contracts are constitutionally protected from government infringement.
What is a common law lien?
A common law lien is a claim established against property over which the lienor has legal possession. It reflects the interest the lienor has in the liened property.
How do I calculate the amount of my common law lien?
Equity. This includes the actual principal you have invested in the purchase of the property. It does not include any interest payments on loans.
Do I need to go to court in order to obtain a common law lien?
No. Since you place the lien against your own property in order to secure your interest in the property - in other words, to secure what the property owes you - there is no controversy and so it is not necessary to go to court. You are simply liening your own property in order to secure your interest in it.
Will a common law lien help me to defend against a foreclosure on my property?
Yes, if the lien is recorded before the foreclosure is initiated. Once a foreclosure has begun, it is not possible to place a common law lien on property subject to the foreclosure.
Can a common law lien prevent IRS seizure of my home?
Possibly. Liens are paid based on their respective character, regardless of when a given lien was filed. Mechanic’s liens are always the first liens paid. Common law liens are second. Mortgages are not true liens - they are forms of chattel. IRS Notices of Lien are not liens at all. Therefore, a properly recorded common law lien will secure the lienor’s interest in the liened property. Neither the IRS nor any other party (including a mortgagee) will be able to obtain clear title to property that has a common law lien recorded against it, until and unless the common law lien is paid.
Can I record a common law lien against property that has been placed into a Pure Trust Organization?
Yes, as long as you are still living on the property. Remember, a common law lien is placed on property over which the lienor has legal possession. If you are the General Manager/caretaker of the property held in trust, you can record a common law lien against the property because you have legal possession.
Can I place property into a Pure Trust Organization if it already has a CLL recorded against it?
No. A lien freezes title and so in order to transfer property into a Pure Trust Organization - or any other entity - any existing liens must first be removed. As long as a common law lien exists against a piece of property, that property cannot be transferred to a new owner.
How do I remove a common law lien that I have recorded against real property?
Either by recording notice that the lien has been paid or recording a notice of Satisfaction of Lien at the same County Recorder where the original lien was recorded.
If I have recorded a common law lien against my property and then record a Satisfaction of Lien...
If I have recorded a common law lien against my property and then record a Satisfaction of Lien so that I can transfer the property into a Pure Trust Organization - or anywhere else - can I then reinstitute the common law lien and again record it with the County Recorder?
No. Once you have recorded a notice of Satisfaction of Lien, then the lien has been satisfied! You cannot “reactivate” it, because it no longer exists. However, if you establish a new claim against the property then you can record a new common law lien.
Do I give up control of my situation by hiring you under this program?
Absolutely not. At no time do you give up control of the situation. You are the principle; we act only as an agent. We are obligated to act on your behalf, which means you always call the shots.
Is my family included in your program?
We have a family plan available, which includes up to fifteen (15) hours of consultation time.
How much time is included with the Preferred Client Program?
The basic program includes up to ten (10) hours of consultation time. If you use up that time before the expiration date of your program, then you can either purchase a new ten-hour time block at discounted prices, or you can pay as you go, at the regular consultation rate of 250 dollars per hour.
If I encounter a serious problem on a weekend or evening, will you be immediately available to help me deal with it?
Yes. If the problem is really serious, we will get to work on it immediately, regardless of whether it arises on a weekend or evening. That’s what we do for our Preferred Clients.
Why is it better for me to hire you as my private counsel instead of handling these matters myself?
Whenever you have an agent working on your behalf, you have certain lawful remedies that would otherwise not be available to you. Additionally, working with an agent can decrease your personal liability.
Can you write letters to the IRS for me?
Yes. As your private counsel (non-attorney), we are authorized to sign letters on your behalf. We can respond to IRS letters and notices on your behalf.
Can your Preferred Client Program help me with legal problems?
We are not attorneys. We cannot represent you in a statutory court. We cannot render “legal advice” to you. If you require a legal professional then you need to hire an attorney. We can, however, provide paralegal-type services, including preparing court documents, reviewing processes, and offering recommendations and strategies as to how to proceed in a legal venue.
Can I place my house in an LLC?
Yes you can. However, you obtain greater privacy by placing real property into a Pure Trust Organization. LLCs are more effective working with other entities - individual and/or artificial - in connection with activities that are statutorily controlled. An LLC’s activities are exposed and subject to statutory scrutiny, taxation and control.
Can I open a bank account with an LLC?
Yes. Banking is a standard use for LLCs. As manager of the LLC, you can be the signatory on the bank account without sustaining direct liability.
Why is it better for an LLC to act as an agent instead of a principal?
The Law of Agent and Principal states that the agent cannot be held liable for actions taken in good faith on behalf of the principal. As long as the LLC acts as an agent for other parties, it generally does not carry liability for any damage that might occur as a result of its activities.
What does it mean for an LLC to act as an agent instead of a principal?
It means that the LLC is acting on behalf of other individuals or artificial entities rather than directly owning assets.
Can I run my business out of an LLC?
Yes. An LLC is ideally suited for running a business in the United States. However, there are ways of utilizing an LLC that provide less exposure and greater liability protections. For example, we recommend always using an LLC as an agent; never as a principle.
Can I use the IBC to conduct business in the United States?
Yes you can. However, a better suggestion is to set up a Limited Liability Company (LLC) for your business activities in the U.S., and have the LLC owned exclusively by the IBC (which is controlled by the PIF, which is controlled by you).
Why is it necessary to set up both a PIF and IBC in order to enjoy Total Asset Protection?
The PIF provides the literal foundation (no pun intended) for your asset protection structure. The PIF is controlled by you. The IBC is controlled by the PIF.
Only the IBC can conduct business, but without the PIF as part of the structure, you would end up with direct control of the IBC. This would give you “interest in a foreign corporation”, which the IRS can use in order to assess taxes to you. With the PIF as shareholder, you can honestly say (and the public record will confirm) that you do not have an interest in any foreign corporation.
Additionally, the PIF can be used to provide for you and your family. It can own property, hold or invest money, own precious metals, etc. You can instruct the PIF to send regular stipends to your favorite relatives, or provide for your family after you die. The PIF structure is unbreakable.
The IBC can conduct business anywhere in the world. Between the PIF and IBC, you can do almost anything while retaining both privacy and control.
I have heard rumors that Americans can no longer open bank accounts for foreign artificial entities. Is that true?
No. We are on the cutting edge of banking privacy. We continually monitor banking regulations and so are prepared to locate the most private, least intrusive banking for our clients. It is certainly harder to find private banking these days, but we have succeeded. We can help you set up banking in other countries.
Does a PIF or IBC have to pay IRS income taxes?
If any entity - foreign or domestic - engages in activities that are subject to the Internal Revenue Service income or other taxes, then that entity sustains a tax assessment. However, there is no reason why your foreign entities ever need to engage in such activities.
If you strategically plan how best to accomplish your personal and professional objectives, then neither your PIF nor IBC ever need become subject to IRS jurisdiction.
In your Total Asset Protection structure, what is the relationship between the IBC and PIF?
The PIF is the exclusive shareholder of the IBC. This gives the PIF direct legal control over the activities of the IBC (while you control the PIF).
How can a PIF help me to reduce my domestic taxes?
I am not a tax attorney and so I cannot provide legal tax advice. If that is what you need, please seek out a tax professional.
However, I can provide you with at least one basic example. Under Panamanian law, a PIF can loan money that never needs to be paid back, as long as the annual interest payments are made. The PIF could loan money to your domestic business. This would provide your domestic business with an existing liability (carrying a loan is a liability, not an asset), which could be used to offset earnings and other income.
What are the limitations of a PIF?
It may collect passive income, such as rent, and it may own stock in corporations, but it may not otherwise engage in business. However, the IBC can conduct business anywhere in the world. Used in tandem, the combination of PIF and IBC can do just about anything.
How will my PIF be structured to protect my privacy?
You, or whomever you select, will be appointed as Protector (the role of a PIF Protector differs from that of a Pure Trust Organization Protector). This is the person who will exercise control over the activities of the PIF. However, Panamanian law does not require the Protector’s identity to be placed into the public record, so your involvement will not be known to anyone outside of the legal team that create the PIF.
What is the proper legal venue for a PIF?
PIFs’ are created pursuant to Panama General Law 25. Any disputes involving a PIF or Panamanian IBC would be adjudicated in Panamanian courts. United States law does not apply to these foreign juridical entities.
Why would it benefit me to set up a Panamanian Private Interest Foundation?
In conjunction with an International Business Corporation (IBC), a Panamanian Private Interest Foundation (PIF) will provide you unprecedented levels of privacy, while allowing you to maintain control over the assets involved.
Freedom Bound International
c/o 411 North 6th Street #6020
Emery, South Dakota uSA (57332)
Brent Johnson conducts a weekly conference call, Tuesdays at 8:00 PM EDT.
Phone: 605-313-5405
Access: 888316#
Replay: 605-313-4103
Mark Twain 1
“If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.”
— Mark Twain